Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before; and God will call the past to account. ( THE BIBLE New International Version (©1984))
Ancient civilization and an organized society was first observed in Sumeria. Egypt also rose to be a super power of the then known world, a cosmopolitan center of crafts, commerce, architecture and even religion. It also had a strong military force and a powerful political system intertwined with its religious system. People came from all nations to seek asylum or refuge or to have a better life in this sophisticated country as would happen with every super power that would follow after Egypt would have turned into ruins. After Egypt, came the Assyrians then the Babylonians took power followed by the Medo-Persians, followed by Greece, then came Rome which gave birth to modern day politics and the way of life that we see in much of today's world especially in first world western countries.
In this article i will make an attempt to show you how today's society has been greatly influenced by these ancient powers that were. This means that these same ancient powers also indirectly influence our way of life. There are principles that were passed on from kingdom to kingdom, dynasty to dynasty that still play a major role in today's society yet most of the time we neither see it nor read into it. An understanding of these issues will bring an understanding of why things are the way they are and what we can expect to be in the future.
There are certain questions we all ask but at times never bother to pursue the answers, questions that might seem unimportant yet they are crucial in shaping the way we think and ultimately how our society functions. Questions that have to do with political structures, money and currency, Religion and symbols that we use and their meanings, time and how we name time, language, culture e.t.c. These questions are very important for us to see the world in a clear way and even to challenge certain things.
We are living in a time when much of the world is gravitating towards "circularism", a 'free" society with unlimited liberties and freedoms. People just want to do what they want with whatever they would want to do it with in whichever way they would want to do it in, without the restraint of religion or fear of consequences from God. Yet in reality the very fabric of what governs our politics and society is embedded in ancient principles to which one can not detach the religious connotations that are intertwined with those principles. We observe all this through the celebrations we still make that were in honor of ancient pagan gods and even the symbols we use on our currencies and company logos, we see it in in how we name cosmic bodies and months of the year and even the days of the week. Everything within this "circular" system is in one way or another rooted in paganism and principles that date as far back as 3000BC.
ancient Egyptians worshiped idols and had many deities (over 2000) that they worshiped and
offered sacrifices to. They had gods for basically every aspect of life
which was mainly based on the choice of the worshiper. Not only in Egypt was
this practiced but also within the surrounding nations and also in the conquering
nations that would follow after. chief among the deities that were worshiped by
the Egyptians was the trinity Ra/Horus/Aten and his mother Isiris and his
father Osiris. Ra or Horus was known as the sun god because the Egyptians worshiped the sun. these same deities were known through time by different names e.g Isiris was known in Babylon and Assyria as Semiramis or Ishtar (from where we get Easter) who was later known as Aphrodite among the Greeks and among the Romans as Venus. originally Horus was known as Heru in ancient Egypt and was also symbolized by the winged sun disc This ancient symbol for the sun god can be found almost everywhere in the world. The
winged sun disk has
been used by a variety of groups such as Freemasonry, Spiritists,
Theosophy, the Rosicrucians and the Watchtower Society (Jehovah’s
Witnesses). Emblematic of the element of air, this consists of a circle
or solar-type disk enclosed by a pair of wings. In ritual magic it is
suspended over the alter in an easterly direction and used when invoking
the protection and co-operation of the sylphs. From ancient through
modern times the Occultic winged sun disk has found many forms of
Here are some few examples.
Jehovah's witnesses
masonic temple
Horus was also depicted by a hawk/falcon with a solar disc on top of its head. Egypt Air has taken Horus as its Logo because of it ancient symbolism, as a winged god of the Sky, Horus, was this and more. The name "HORUS" stems from the ancient Egyptian word hr (her) which in its simple form was the preposition "above", "upon" so Horus the falcon soars above all the land and its inhabitants, and was, the natural symbol of the King who reigns over all Egypt.
Jehovah's witnesses
masonic temple
medical |
who |
Horus was also depicted by a hawk/falcon with a solar disc on top of its head. Egypt Air has taken Horus as its Logo because of it ancient symbolism, as a winged god of the Sky, Horus, was this and more. The name "HORUS" stems from the ancient Egyptian word hr (her) which in its simple form was the preposition "above", "upon" so Horus the falcon soars above all the land and its inhabitants, and was, the natural symbol of the King who reigns over all Egypt.
Horus can also be depicted by the "all seeing eye or the eye of Horus"
The symbol representing his eye, Eye of Horus or eye of Ra, was a powerful symbol of protection, royal power and good health. Pronounced "udjat" by the Egyptians, the Eye of Horus represents a human eye with the cheek markings of a falcon.
Separated sections with fraction values |
The Eye of Horus fraction system was based on
the Eye of Horus symbol. This system was used to record prescriptions,
land and grain.
Fractions are created by combining sections of
the Eye of Horus symbol. Each section has a different value. The complete
Eye of Horus with all parts in place has a value of 1. In reality
the complete Eye of Horus represents 63/64, which is rounded off to
The system is based on halves. Half of 1 equals
1/2, half of 1/2 equals 1/4 and so on until the smallest value of
1/64. By adding together the values of different sections fractions
are created.
Original US flag
Gold pectoral cross worn by John XXIII with 'eye and triangle'. |
Jonte Rhodes writes "In todays society it is still used in a variety of places, particularly in jewelry and symbols of power in countries of the middle eastern regions from which it originated and where Egypt held power at the time. Despite popular belief it isn't the eye that can be seen at the top of a pyramid on the one dollar bill. That eye is the eye or providence, which is just an all seeing eye of god, rather then specifically Horus's eye, although it may have been adapted from Horus hundreds of years ago into Christianity as we see it today.
Similarly it isn't the eye that the Freemasons use either, despite popular belief. That is another eye of providence, which is a Christian rather then Egyptian symbol meaning that god can see you whatever you are doing. In the case of the Freemasons it probably just signifies their influence and power as a semi secret society, as well as the requisite belief in a divine being that all masons must have.
It is also said to be representative of love and mystery today, and is often worn as a brooch or other jewelry as a symbol of love or commitment between two people, rather then being a symbol of omnipotence as it used to be. It is also seen as a representation of inwardly thinking and philosophy as well."
My question now would be "how and when exactly did it come to be a christian symbol?" we read of no such symbol in scripture ever being used by the Jews or early church fathers. The origin of "the eye" is clear in any case it looks exactly the same, the next thing someone will try to deny that the great pyramid on the US dollar is not the great pyramid Giza, yet it is even with its unfinished top. (but we will get to that)
There are corporates, organizations, currencies, structures, theater productions, products and record labels that are apparently "circular" yet they purposefully and intentionally use these ancient symbols in most cases to represent their organizations as their logos or part of their corporate design. One thing for certain is that these ancient symbols are deeply religious and have spiritual connections. It is not a coincidence either that you would find the 'eye of Horus' on currencies, one would wonder why. It is because the same ancient powers that were working during the time of Egypt are still active today. One can never come to understand the world and how it works when they just look on the surface, for us to understand part of what is really going on we have to go back into history and then find its reflection in our modern world.That now brings me back to how this current age defines circularism? is it just the exclusion of YHWH the God of heaven and earth or is it an exclusion of religion in general which as any intelligent man or woman can see that that definition would not quite fit that description.
Horus also known as Tammuz among the Babylonians was also worshiped as the god of war and protection and also likened to one of the Roman gods Jupiter.
You will discover that the idea of the trinity was later to be adopted by the christian church although the bible never taught such a teaching. The initial idea was conceived in Mesopotamia in the plain of Babel where the tower of Babel was destroyed by God (gen: chapter 11). Nimrod also known as Gilgamesh who had led the people at that time in rebellion against God after his death his widow Semiramis claimed that she had been impregnated by the rays of the sun and bore a son Tammuz and thus the worship of mother and son was birthed.This story was then adopted by the Egyptians, the mother and child being Isiris and Horus/Ra, the father being Osiris. And from Egypt the practice spread hence one will find many forms of the mother and child in many of the European and eastern cultures under various names.
The ancient Germans worshipped the virgin HERTHA with the child in the arms of his mother. The Scandinavians called her DISA pictured with her child. In Egypt, the mother and her child were worshiped as ISIS with the infant OSIRIS or HORUS seated on his mother's lap.In India, the mother and child were called DEVAKI and KRISHNA, and also ISI and ISWARA as they are worshiped to this day. In Asia, they were known as CYBELE and DEOIUS; in pagan Rome, as FORTUNA and JUPITER-PUER, or the boy JUPITER; in Greece, as CERES, the great mother with babe at her breast, or as IRENE, the goddess of peace, with the boy PLUTUS in her arms. Even in Tibet, China, and Japan, Jesuit missionaries were astonished to find the Roman counterpart of MADONNA and child. SHING MOO, the holy mother in China
was portrayed with a child in her arms and a glory (halo - nimbus) around her. Semiramis was worshiped in Ephesus as the pagan fertility goddess DIANA who represented the generative powers
Now compare this story to that of Mary and the baby Jesus as has been handed down by the Catholic church.
It was this Tammuz son of Semiramis who was said to be born on 25 December which was regarded the northern winter solstice. and since Tammuz or Ra or Horus was considered to be the sun god, they celebrated on this day (25 December) the rebirth of the sun and called it the invincible sun. They did this by cutting down a Christmas tree which is specifically a Babylonian symbol. On Christmas Eve the Yule Log is thrown onto the fire. On Christmas Day there is the tree, covered in decorations and surrounded with presents, representing the resurrected Nimrod of Babylon. Specifically the erect tree is a phallus symbolizing Nimrod's erect masculinity. The tree was evergreen because evergreen trees are full of life year round. The tree was pointed at the end to complete the phallic representation of Nimrod. Mithra was another sun-god that was born on December 25th. Thousands of Christians and Jews were crucified in honor of the sun-god Mithra.also consider the following verses from the bible
2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
3 For the customs of the people [are] vain: for [one] cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. 4. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not (Jeremiah 10:2-4)
The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead [their] dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger (Jeremiah 7:18).
Within the context of Jeremiah 7, verse 18 is dealing specifically with the idolatrous practices of God’s people. The queen of heaven referenced in verse 18 is none other than Nimrod’s widow Ishtar/ Semiramis. The cakes or beaked goods were being made as meal offering along with a drink offering to Ishtar. Today this pagan practice has been replaced with leaving milk (a drink offering) and cookies (beaked goods) for Santa on Christmas Eve.
Christmas was never about Yeshua but Tammuz and Ishtar/ Isiris and Horus/Ra yet most people would rather think of it as a circular holiday when they put up decorations and exchange gifts. The celebration is engraved in pagan worship.
to be continued. . .
by Mc N o r r i s
wow, you werent kidding about the research! this is really interestng!