Friday, 6 March 2015


The following creation though created in the image of its Creator is a free moral agent. The choices it shall make in the course of its existence are sorely and entirely its own on condition it has reached the generally accepted age of majority to be determined by the same when it shall multiply and increase in its environment.

This creation comes with the power to create its own reality, shape and influence its own environment. Limitations to what it can achieve shall be set by itself. Technical support from its Creator shall be provided for if so requested and its Creator shall by no means force His will on it or into its life unless in cases of intervention yet even under such special conditions and offers it shall retain its full rights and ability to make a choice.

Obligation falls on it to acquire the right set of knowledge to be used for whatever intended purpose it deems fit and no liability shall fall upon the Creator for the acquirement or non-acquirement of such knowledge even on account of the nature of the knowledge acquired.

Lines of communication between the creation and the Creator shall be kept open at all times and provision has been made for (though not limited to) the necessities for the sustenance of life. These have been verified to be enough for all creation and the Creator is not responsible for the lack of it due to mishandling, mismanagement or failure of the creation to understand its environment neither does the Creator take responsibility for the greed and selfishness of the creation in matters of sharing the same resources.

The third planet from an average yellow star in the milky way has been allocated to and reserved for this creation to rule, to govern, to have dominion on it and to subdue it therefore all matters to do with its productivity have been rightly placed into the creation's hands. This shall be for a limited time until a new world for this creation shall be established having messed up the first one it currently occupies.

Please do take note that wars are a result of the choices this creation has made and makes. Poverty, famine, diseases, death and related woes are a result of this creation's disregard for natural laws that govern the creation's environment, its rejection for technical support from its manufacturer, its lifestyle choices, its choice to disregard the Spiritual laws that pertain to its existence as spiritual beings, its invitation of entities bent on destroying it and mostly its disregard for the manual and instructions provided for by its Creator contained in a well documented library together with a full constitution of an ideal environment for an ideal existence.

This creation is called mankind!!

by McNorris

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