Wednesday, 23 January 2013

timeless beauty

How many twenty something year old women can compete with Halle Berry? but the woman is 46 years old!! yes 46 and these pics were taken at that age.Halle Berry: Age 46Photo: How many twenty something year old women can compete with Halle Berry? but the woman is 46 years old!! yes 46 and these pics were taken at that age.
most women naturally reach their pick somewhere in their twenties and for most its down hill after that they do not bother to take care of themselves. They do not eat right and after not eating right they neither have the slightest courtesy to at list jog a little or better yet hit the gym. They will blame it on the stressful job or the hyper active kids that they can't keep up with because they are not fit enough to keep up with the energy levels. They will blame it on us the men because we start to loose interest as they loose their appeal. I am writing this especially targeted at the African woman who would like to comfort herself by forming girl clubs with a motto that really doesn't help her situation. I aint saying you have to be skinny and all bones for you to look good. Be curvy and bootielicious or the hack you might want to call it but be healthy and be beautiful! Now you know when you are not putting any effort.

It is not a question of money either but the right attitude towards life. If we give most of these "how i look is ma bness" kinda women more money that would mean more cable (oh sorry) DSTV subscriptions, a more comfortable couch on which to recline on whilst watching the extra channels whilst drinking fizzy drinks and probably munching on something regardless of how many calories it contains (after all you can afford it). So my point is money really will not miraculously transform you into a diva, it will only enhance the woman you are at the core and of cause your core values. eating right will not cost you an extra penny if anything it might save you some extra bucks and in the long run it will save you not only money but most importantly it will save your life. Medical research has shown that most diseases prevalent in both men and women as they grow older are life style related and diet plays a crucial role in all of this. So why would you look bad, feel bad and then get a disease for it when you can do the more beneficial thing and that's looking good, feeling good and staying healthy in the process.

Why look 50 when you are only 30 or something. maintaining that perfect health balance is the challenge, considering that as you get older there are a lot of things you need to juggle at the same time, school, family, business but then again women brag about their multi tasking abilities which obviously men were created without, so why not keep yourself in shape whilst you are doing other things you might actually enjoy. For example the next time you go shopping for groceries instead of jumping into a car to travel 2kms why not take a walk, or the next time you want the gardener to do the yard why not help out with the digging if need be or just something that will keep you active whilst you are doing something seemingly of value. Play ball games with the kids or with your husband better yet go for a light jog with your husband (ain it you also don't like that beer pot belly he has been developing as well). The next time you are in the bedroom spice up things so that there is more activity in there not the usual slum dunk oh you snoring already! (uhmm haven't proved the bedroom thing as yet since i am not yet married haha) Some times all it takes is just taking 30 minutes out of your time to work out just 30 minutes and the results will be phenomenal. 

Whilst you are still "alive" do not be shy to dance a little which is a great way of keeping in shape, dance alone or with the kids, let them teach you how to "douggie" or dance with your man. Get crazy and pump up the volume, live a little! There is a difference between "living" and simply waiting for death. Do the fun stuff that will keep you laughing for days on end, watch a comedy show, go for that concert! Go hiking as a family or with friends and that doesn't mean you have to brai something. Love those around you and learn to forgive and let go cause everything you keep inside will turn into an ugly wrinkle! be at peace and finally spend some time in your prayer closet. We do become what we behold and what can be better than beholding the beauty and glory of God in your life. At the end of it all you are not only beautiful on the outside but also on the inside. 

by Mc N o r r i s
most women naturally reach their pick somewhere in their twenties and for most its down hill after that they do not bother to take care of themselves. They do not eat right and after not eating right they neither have the slightest courtesy to at list jog a little or better yet hit the gym. They will blame it on the stressful job or the hyper active kids that they can't keep up with because they are not fit enough to keep up with the energy levels. They will blame it on us the men because we start to loose interest as they loose their appeal. I am writing this especially targeted at the African woman who would like to comfort herself by forming girl clubs with a motto that really doesn't help her situation. I aint saying you have to be skinny and all bones for you to look good. Be curvy and bootielicious or the hack you might want to call it but be healthy and be beautiful! Now you know when you are not putting any effort.

It is not a question of money either but the right attitude towards life. If we give most of these "how i look is ma bness" kinda women more money that would mean more cable (oh sorry) DSTV subscriptions, a more comfortable couch on which to recline on whilst watching the extra channels whilst drinking fizzy drinks and

probably munching on something regardless of how many calories it contains (after all you can afford it). So my point is money really will not miraculously transform you into a diva, it will only enhance the woman you are at the core and of cause your core values. eating right will not cost you an extra penny if anything it might save you some extra bucks and in the long run it will save you not only money but most importantly it will save your life. Medical research has shown that most diseases prevalent in both men and women as they grow older are life style related and diet plays a crucial role in all of this. So why would you look bad, feel bad and then get a disease for it when you can do the more beneficial thing and that's looking good, feeling good and staying healthy in the process.

Why look 50 when you are only 30 or something. maintaining that perfect health balance is the challenge, considering that as you get older there are a lot of things you need to juggle at the same time, school, family, business but then again women brag about their multi tasking abilities which obviously men were created without, so why not keep yourself in shape whilst you are doing other things you might actually enjoy. For example the next time you go shopping for groceries instead of jumping into a car to travel 2kms why not take a walk, or the next time you want the gardener to do the yard why not help out with the digging if need be or just something that will keep you active whilst you are doing something seemingly of value. Play ball games with the kids or with your husband better yet go for a light jog with your husband (ain it you also don't like that beer pot belly he has been developing as well). The next time you are in the bedroom spice up things so that there is more activity in there not the usual slum dunk oh you snoring already! (uhmm haven't proved the bedroom thing as yet since i am not yet married haha) Some times all it takes is just taking 30 minutes out of your time to work out just 30 minutes and the results will be phenomenal.

Whilst you are still "alive" do not be shy to dance a little which is a great way of keeping in shape, dance alone or with the kids, let them teach you how to "douggie" or dance with your man. Get crazy and pump up the volume, live a little! there is a difference between "living" and simply waiting for death. Do the fun stuff that will keep you laughing for days on end, watch a comedy show, go for that concert! Go hiking as a family or with friends and that doesn't mean you have to brai something. Love those around you and learn to forgive and let go cause everything you keep inside will turn into an ugly wrinkle! be at peace and finally spend some time in your prayer closet. We do become what we behold and what can be better than beholding the beauty and glory of God in your life. Be grateful for every little thing you have in your life and all the joy that comes with it At the end of it all you are not only beautiful on the outside but also on the inside.

by Mc N o r r i s