Saturday, 5 November 2016

Don't just adapt but manipulate- it's the key to survival

Contrary to what you been taught the key to survival for human beings is NOT adaptation but manipulation.
Only animals, insects and aqua/marine creatures were meant to adapt to their environments. human beings on the other hand were meant to manipulate their environment and create new dimensions of their environment. To substantiate what I am saying- compare countries that have merely adapted to their natural environment compared to those that have manipulated their environment and created new dimensions of the same. For example African countries (adapted) vs European countries.

photo by McNorris Hakata
Adaptation means you become subject to your environment, you by necessity have to change to suit the demands of your environment. Everything pertaining to your environment controls your life. The weather, the soil, the terrain, the vegetation etc. In Africa people adapt. The lives of most of her inhabitants are controlled by the environment in which they find themselves in and the sign of this is the lack of infrastructure and sophistication. People die from hunger, from Malaria, from attempting to cross flooded rivers. People become comfortable with living in these conditions that they fail to manipulate their environment and subdue it- adaptation. In such environments there is no creativity or ingenuity. People can easily adapt to poverty which begins to settle in their minds and reach a dangerous state of acceptance.

Bereshis (Genesis)1:28 God blessed them (gave them extraordinary abilities and divine authority); and God said to them (commanded, decreed), "Be fruitful (birth new ideas, create, produce, invent) and multiply (through out the whole earth, in your community, on your continent, in your country), and fill the earth, and subdue it (conquer it, make it subject to your needs, manipulate it); and rule over (Reign, have dominion over) the fish of the SEA and over the birds of the SKY and over every living thing that moves on the EARTH (land).
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The mandate to mankind was to manipulate Earth, Sea and Skies to improve the conditions of his environment. This should only be done in a way that positively builds and enhances that environment. A very good example of this is found with the U.S Navy SEALs (SEa Air Land) . This particular nation took cognizance of the environment they would need to take control of and rule and so train their special forces to dominate in all of the three environments. Indeed it is not only the United States that has in today's context successfully managed to manipulate it's environment albeit the damaging methods taken to achieve such goals but the rest of the world that is now termed as the "developed" world. In these countries life expectancy and the quality of life is much higher than in the "under developed" world, those countries which have merely adapted to their natural environment.

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Imagine for a second what Dubai would look like if her inhabitants had decided to just adapt to the pre-existing desert conditions? Frankly, we wouldn't have a place called Dubai or maybe it would exist but one thing for certain is that it wouldn't be swamped by tourists and traders as it is today, in fact no-one would care. No one ever wakes up planning for a trip into the Sahara desert unless your government or scientific research department has asked you to. The nations of the U.A.E. realized that for them to improve their well being as nations they has to manipulate their desert environment and transform it into a paradise instead of adapting to desert conditions which they had done for millennia past. These and other nations like Israel to add to the list are no longer at the mercy of their natural environment or to weather patterns because they have SUBDUED the earth through the multiplication of their ideas and ingenuity. In Japan they now build flexible buildings that can absorb earth tremors and withstand earthquakes and that is an example of taking control of your environment in this case one could argue that this is a form of adaptation but in essence it isn't adaptation but manipulation.
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Even in business you have often heard the phrase "adapt or die". Truth is that is not entirely true. Adaptation is not the key to survival in business. Take a look at the most successful businesses in the world, did they get to where they are today by "adapting" to existing business conditions? NO they didn't. Let us look at Microsoft for example, it didn't adapt but it completely changed the game and became the market leader in its field. Apple didn't become a tech giant by adapting to it's environment. It was born in an era when personal computers were said to be "a total waste because no one would ever need one" laugh out loud right. These are example of companies that didn't adapt but manipulated their existing environment through innovation and conquered the world. Here is what adapting means in business, it means try your best to fit in, if people don't want personal computers why even make one? It means you cut your head count and expenditure so that you survive (in reality you hope to). It means you are calling your environment "Dominos". In most cases businesses that choose to merely survive end up as debris at the bottom of the corporate ocean of dead companies. Sadly this is not limited to business but applies even to relationships and governments. In relationships I am not advocating for manipulative behavior since this would be a totally different definition to the context of this article but also one does not need to adapt to an abusive relationship.

To adapt we need to transform and to manipulate we also need to transform but the key difference is that in adapting we are transforming to conform to whatever conditions we find ourselves in. We are forced to change but when we manipulate our environment it is our environment that is forced to change to suit our needs. In the end we should reach that balance where we manipulate our environment yet adapting to it's most fundamental core. As we industrialize we need not puncture the ozone layer or destroy the environment for in doing so we also destroy ourselves and that is not manipulation but self destruction for manipulation should be to one's own advantage.

By Simbarashe McNorris Hakata

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Pesach/Passover - Reflecting on the true shadow!

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Tomorrow evening (22 April) marks the beginning of the Pesach (Passover) week. The week in which Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Yahushua was crucified and after three days rose again from the dead to sit at the right hand of the Eternal Father, He also being our Father Eternal. It is amazing that most Christians will not celebrate or just remember the days of Pesach yet joyfully celebrated Ishta (Eostre/Easter) which (and who) has nothing to do with Him who said, "I AM the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE" Yochanan (John) 14:6. Many indeed celebrated the holiday past without even thinking deeply as to what it really means for them. Yes our Adoni paid the ultimate price for humanity's sins but the connection to Ishta takes away the essence of the meaning behind the shadow which was Pesach.

During the Pesach week the children of Israel were to eat unleavened bread, offer a lamp without blemish, eat the lamp with bitter herbs and remember how Elohim took them out of bondage from  Mitzrayim. On the very first day of the Passover the Israelites were commanded to put the blood of the lamp on the door posts and lintels of their houses lest the angel of death visit them and kill their first born sons Shemot (Exodus) 12. Did these things have meaning beyond Egypt (Mitzrayim) or was it just meant for the Israelites to just recall that past time with no future significance? Like all things HaShem does, it all had significance beyond Israel. From Genesis God wrote the Good News of His salvation to mankind through His one and only Son Yahushua (Blessed be His holy name).
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He told Adam and Eve about the coming "suffering servant" Genesis 3-15 And I will put eivah (enmity, Midrash Rabbah 23:5) between thee and HaIsha (see HaAlmah, Yeshayah 7:14), and between thy zera and her Zera; it shall crush thy rosh, and thou shalt strike his akev (heel). Abel became a type of Moshiach, a shadow of Him whose blood would speak better things than his own, who died at the hands of His own just like Abel. The ark Noah was commanded to build whilst preaching the destruction of the world by water and which was made of wood, represented the Church of the Living Word of God. This ark being made not by the hands of man but by the Spirit of God, whose doors only God can shut and being the embodiment of a new creation for the new heaven and new earth to come. The water which destroyed the world is the water through which She (the Church) has her baptism, a confession of her faith in the risen Lord and the resurrection to come through Rebbe Melech Hamochiach Yahushua. Indeed are these not like the days of Noah? To Avraham (Abraham) the divine message was given and revealed even through his own obedience to the call of this magnificent Gospel we now have which pointed to the death and resurrection of the Messiah through his sacrifice of Isaac [Bereshis (Genesis) 22] through faith and in that day Elohim provided an appropriate sacrifice in the form of a ram which represented the Lamp of God which takes away the sin of the world.

More and more examples can be given of the shadow of the work that Moshiach would achieve on earth and in heaven. Through Jacob [Bereshis 28], through Joseph who was sold by His own to suffer at the hands of gentiles, whose garments was torn and stained with blood and presented before his father (like the sacrifice Moshiach presented before The Father), who became dead to his own yet lived and became second only to Pharaoh (like Moshiach who after His work sat at the right hand of Elohim) and became yeshuat unto his brethren (and Moshiach Yahushua has given us salvation). The shadow of this gospel given through Moshe, through David and the prophets (with many countless examples) up until the Prince of Shalom Himself came to earth and gave us hope through His redemption even us who did not have the ordinances of HaShem. 
In the example of the Pesach the Lamb pointed to Rebbe Melech Hamoshiach Yahushua (blessed be His holy name) and the blood offering he made for our sins so that death would Pass-Over us, so that we would be translated into life (in all its abundance). That ancient way that leads to eternal life that the angel of HaShem guarded when Adam was driven away from the garden of Eden was now opened up marked by blood to a cross upon a hill called Golgotha. The bitter herbs represented the suffering this "King of the Jews" would endure on a tree, the sign indeed depicted by the lintel and door posts and all those that would follow him would have their own bitter herbs being hated of the world, despised, mocked, killed even yet holding on to the the promises of Him who is Faithful and True. 

Unleavened bread pointed to His body, blameless like the Pesach lamp, without sin, holy, unpolluted by the world which was crushed for our transgressions and He Himself said "Remember.." Matt 26. The bread pointed to His simplicity and yet how fulfilling He is to them that willingly partake of his body Yochanan 6:54. The door posts which were made of wood pointed to the cross He bore and by it bearing our sin and our curse and it also pointed to the door of the believer's heart, whose heart would receive the divine circumcision, having been washed in the blood of the Lamb. The wine pointed to that cleansing, bondage-breaking and saving blood which set us free. The blood which gives us victory together with the testimony of Yahushua (Blessed be His holy name) Hisg (Rev) 12:11. Indeed even the ordinance that this particular month in which the Israelites were to celebrate Pesach would become the first month of their year was a Shadow of how Moshiach's death and resurrection would be the mark of a new covenant between us and Elohim.

So whilst others still look back to Mitzrayim, we in these days of Pesach look back to what LOVE did for us and the price that was paid for our salvation. For Elohim loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (HaBen), that whosoever believes (has Emunah) in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Yoch 3:16. We also look forward to the hope that we have in Him of that glorious age when God shall dwell with men. The new Yarushalayim now on earth and sin and death have been destroyed Hisg 22. 

And to His Kingdom there shall be no end. Hos 2:14

Monday, 14 March 2016

The Write Monkey: Formation

From the The Write Monkey: Formation: One of the most amazing revelations I have come across. Very interesting article and research. A must read! I recently came across a post that showed pictures of different dried human tears seen under a microscope. Tears of joy, tea...

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Who is more American- From an African Spectator's perspective?

In truth I think non-Caucasian American people accept (and perpetuate) racism by identifying themselves with the following terms such as "African American" or "Native American" that is ridiculous especially the former. There is no white person saying "Hie I am European American" or "Hie my name is Bob and I am Native British". (You see how stupid it is- thank you) In fact only 2.35% of Americans of European descent would ever want to be referred to as such. They would prefer to be called "Americans" or "White" Americans.

In claiming (or accepting) a self-discriminating label you deny the authenticity of who you are. In essence you cannot (by definition) be anything else more or less American even if you migrated from Africa as long as you are now "deemed" to be American the label should be the same with Caucasian Americans. Remember they are not originally from there just like everyone else except for the indigenous tribes. I do appreciate the history of denied rights and segregation but the reality is you are part of that country and society in every respect and in every aspect.

Also If you can't label Africans in Africa as native African or Chinese in China as Native Chinese or Europeans in Europe as Native Europeans a label like "Native American" should not exist. Those people are simply "Americans." Of all the racial groups in America "Native" Americans should be the ones without any label whatsoever and should just be referred to as "Americans". It's like Europeans in Africa being referred to as Africans and Africans in Africa being referred to as "Native" Africans. Would that make sense?

Racism in America will stop or at least begin to stop (maybe) when "African Americans" and "Native Americans" acknowledge that they are "just" Americans. Would we call an American Caucasian "American African" if he migrated to Africa? These terms were designed to make non-Caucasian Americans feel less American and yet give them a false sense of pride by associating them with a distant geographical area with which they cannot relate with either.

should these terms be perpetuated?
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by M c N O R R I S